Year 6 to Year 7 Transition
We are looking forward to your child’s admission to BMGS in September. Please note the key information below for your child’s start in September:.
Tuesday 3rd of September - Year 7 Team Building Day 2024
We have arranged for the UK Military School to come in and deliver a program of team building events on this day. Only Year 7 students are in on this day. Your child will need to:
Arrive to school no later than 8.10 am for an 8.15 start in BMGS P.E. Kit.
- Bring a packed lunch and water bottle – Students that are registered for a Free School Meal will have one provided for them by the canteen.
- Your child will leave school at the normal school time of 3.20pm.
Your child will return home from school with a letter providing you with the instructions on:
- How to set up your “Parent Pay” account. This will be needed to make payments to the school for the school canteen and also to pay for any school trips etc that your child may wish to attend in the future.
- How to set up your “Class Charts” Account. This is essential for all parents and students. Using the app you will be notified of any rewards of sanctions that your child may receive, be able to track your child’s attendance and receive letters and other communications from the school.
We would ask that you set up these accounts as soon as possible.
Wednesday 4th September 2024
All BMGS student will start on Wednesday 4th of September. Your child will need to arrive to school for no later than 8.10 am for an 8.15 start in full school uniform. They will spend the first half of the day with their form tutor going through a range of induction events with normal lessons resuming in the afternoon. They will need their school bag with all school equipment. They will not need their school PE kit on this day. The school day will end at 3.20pm as usual.
Moving forward the normal timetable will resume from Thursday 5th of September. Your child will need to arrive at 8.10am for an 8.15 start. School will end at 3.20pm. On days where your child has PE on their timetable they need to come to school in their PE Kit.
Arrangement for School Lunches
In order that your child is able to purchase food from the canteen we require parents to set up their child’s pay account and your child to have their school ID card. This will take some time to get them printed from our suppliers and issued to students.
Your child will need to bring packed lunches until Friday 12th of September. By this time your child will have their ID cards and you will have set up your parent pay accounts allowing them to access the school canteen from Monday 15th September.
If you child is registered for Free School Meals, your child will be able to get this from the school canteen as normal.
If you have a sibling(s) in Year 8-11 they will be able to access the school canteen as normal from day one.
Medical Information and Food Allergies
We have received and processed the information you and the primary school have sent us with regards to medical information. If there is any other information you with to share, please email this to who will distribute this to your child’s head of year and the school canteen.
Parent / Pupil Information Pack.
We have put together a comprehensive information pack that contain a wealth of information and we would recommend that all new parents read it. It contains information about:
- Timings of the school day
- School Uniform Policy
- Equipment list
- Behaviour Policy
- Attendance and punctuality.