Bolton Muslim Girls' School

Welcome to Year 11

Welcome to the year 11 page. The Head of Year 11 is Miss Ismail from January 2024.

If you have any queries you can contact me on; Rawha Ismail 

 Assalamo’alaiykum, I am Miss Ismail and I am the Head of Year 11. 

I understand Year 11 can be quite daunting for our girls as they sit their GCSE’S this year and are in the process of applying for colleges. However, I firmly believe that education is not only about results but about helping create highly – skilled and life-ready young people. A student’s journey through education is fundamental in shaping creative, inspired and well-rounded students and I strongly believe school plays an important in the paths that student lives take. Therefore, it is my top priority to ensure our learners are happy, safe and enjoying their journey with us in their last year.

At Bolton Muslim Girl’s School, the pastoral team is passionate about supporting all learners and removing any barriers they face in their learning. Every member of the pastoral team is also part of the safeguarding team which helps to ensure that all learners at BMGS (Bolton Muslim Girls School) feel safe, supported, and heard. 
I am also the Lead for Pass Surveys for children of BMGS. We conduct this online  survey every term. So regardless of year group, I am here to listen and capture pupil's views, ideas and feedback on different aspects of school. When pupils get to have their say in any plans, reports, or reviews about them, this helps us as practitioners to understand how they are feeling about school, what are their strengths,  what they are finding hard and how we can help things to improve.  It leads to increased participation and develops ownership of learning and helps improve motivation, level of engagement, resilience and self-esteem 

My role as head of year means that I am the key person for my year group and their families. I provide support to those who need it, and I am here to guide and encourage positive behaviour that aligns with our school values. I have an open-door policy that allows learners to approach me to discuss and work through any concerns they may have; this is not only in person as all learners have access to my email and can contact me with their worries. My hope is that both year 11 learners and learners from other year groups can approach me and feel comfortable asking for support and guidance.