Welcome to Year 10
Welcome to the year 10 page. The head of year 10 is Mrs Metcalfe.
If you have any queries you can contact me on; Elaine.metcalfe@bmgs.bolton.sch.uk
Hello, I am Mrs Metcalfe and my role is the Head of Year 10 at Bolton Muslim Girls’ School.
I work, alongside our excellent pastoral team, in helping to improve outcomes for all of our Year 10 learners. I am also responsible for dealing with matters relating to safeguarding.
In addition to this, my whole school responsibility is ‘Anti Bullying.’ This is an important topic that we, at Bolton Muslim Girls School, take very seriously.
If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact me by email or telephone. In the meantime, I look forward to meeting and working with you and your daughters over the coming year.