Special Educational Needs
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
At BMGS we understand that every child is different and, therefore, the educational needs of every child vary. We are an inclusive school and offer a range of provisions to support children with additional needs to help them achieve.
The school firmly believes that each student should be given equality of opportunity to achieve her full potential – spiritually, academically and socially. We focus on the best possible outcomes by recognising the uniqueness of each individual and by providing a rich and varied learning experience for all. Each student, regardless of their need, is entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum.
The key staff that you can contact if you think your child has a Special Educational Need are:
Mrs F Ali Special Educational Needs Coordinator 01204 361103 Farzana.ali@bmgs.bolton.sch.uk
In addition to this you may discuss any concerns about your daughter’s progress with her Head of Year who will refer her to the SEND Department if necessary.
You can find additional information in this SEND report and policy document.
Bolton-local offer
Local offer : for information on services available in Bolton please click here.
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