Bolton Muslim Girls' School

Looked After Children

Looked after children and previously looked after children

The designated teacher responsible for looked after and previously looked after children is Mrs  Farzana Ali (SENDCO)

The designated teacher for looked after and previously looked after children takes a leadership role in promoting the educational achievement of every looked after and previously looked after child on our school’s roll, and ensuring that their personal, emotional and academic needs are prioritised.

Mrs Ali is the central point of initial contact within the school for the external agencies working with these pupils.


Duties and responsibilities

Ethos and culture

  • Contribute to the development and review of whole-school policies and procedures so that they do not unintentionally put looked after and previously looked after children at a disadvantage (for example, procedures such as induction and transition)
  • Promote a culture in which looked after and previously looked after children are:
    • Prioritised for academic support
    • Encouraged to actively participate in school life
    • Supported to succeed and aspire to further and higher education or highly skilled jobs
    • Able to take ownership of their learning and have opportunities to discuss their progress
    • Able to discuss difficult issues (such as SEN, bullying, attendance) in a frank manner

Teaching and learning

  • Set high expectations of looked after and previously looked after children’s learning, and ensure teachers set targets that accelerate progress
  • Advise teachers on differentiated teaching strategies appropriate for looked after or previously looked after children
  • Advise on the use of assessment for learning approaches to improve the progress of these pupils, and help them and their teachers understand where they are in their learning and their next steps

Looked after children with special educational needs

  • Ensure that the SEND code of practice, as it relates to looked after children, is being followed
  • Where any looked after child has an education, health and care (EHC) plan, monitor the pupil’s personal education plan (PEP) to ensure it works in harmony with the EHC plan to set out how their needs are being met

Working with staff

  • Ensure that they themselves, and other school staff, have strong awareness, training and skills around the specific needs of looked after and previously looked after children and how to support them
  • Work with the school’s designated safeguarding lead to ensure any safeguarding concerns regarding these pupils are quickly and effectively responded to

Working with carers, parents or guardians

  • Promote good home-school links
  • Support progress by ensuring effective communication with carers, parents or guardians
  • Ensure carers, parents or guardians understand:
    • The potential value of one-to-one tuition and are equipped to engage with it at home
    • How the school teaches skills such as reading and numeracy
  • Encourage high aspirations and working with the child to plan for their future success and fufilment

Working with external agencies

  • Build and maintain relationships with other professionals, in particular the virtual school head (VSH) and the local authority’s SEND department, to ensure the school responds effectively to its pupils’ needs
  • Work with relevant professionals, including the VSH, to ensure that they (the designated teacher) and other school staff have the skills to identify signs of potential mental health issues among looked after and previously looked after children, and know how to access further assessment and support where necessary
  • Work with relevant professionals, including social workers and school staff, to develop, monitor and review looked after pupils’ personal education plans