Bolton Muslim Girls' School


KS4 Options 

Choosing your KS4 Options is one of the most important and exciting times in secondary school. This page assists you in the process of choosing the most suitable courses for you.

The Key Stage 4 Options Handbook is available for you to download below. The purpose of this publication is to assist parents, carers and students in the process of choosing the courses that are the most suitable to follow through to GCSEs.

Students’ selection may include courses familiar to them from Key Stage 3, as well as courses that they have not previously studied. What is important is that students choose subjects in which they are confident or they think will enjoy learning more about, that are appropriate for the demands of future careers and higher education (university) courses that they may be interested in pursuing and that reflect the strengths they have demonstrated in their Key Stage 3 studies.

Four of the most common mistakes that students can make when choosing their options are:

  • Choosing subjects because they like the teacher who has taught them at Key Stage 3
  • Choosing subjects that they think will be easy
  • Choosing subjects that don’t really interest them, only because their parents / carers tell them to
  • Choosing subjects because their friends have chosen them.

Students should remember, these are their choices and whatever they choose will determine how they spend a considerable amount of their time over the next two years leading to GCSEs, A-level, Apprenticeships and other post-16 courses that they will be able to study at Sixth Form and the careers for which they will be qualified in the longer-term future.

This is unquestionably one of the most important times in their educational life so far. It is important therefore, that they make sure they research and consider their options carefully. Students should ask lots of questions and talk to as many well-informed people as possible, just like they would about any other important decision in their lives.



Key Dates: Year 9 Options Timeline

    • Friday 8th March-Y9 Options Assembly
    • Monday 11th-Friday 15th March- Option Subjects talk to Y9 learners about their subject. 

    • Wednesday 13th  March-Options Booklet emailed to Parents and Year 9 Learners.

    • Wednesday 13th March -Options Booklet and subject PowerPoints available via school.

    • Friday 15th March-Options Link emailed to learners.​

    • Friday 15th March -Wednesday 27th March- Option Choices link completed by learner. ​

    • Monday 6th May-Learners informed of Option choices.





For an informed decision, your daughter may log into her Morrisby account to view her career profile and ideal Option choices.

If there are any questions related to a subject please direct the query to the Head of Department, their email can be found on the Contact us page.

If there are any questions regarding the Options Process please email Amina,


 Parents Guide Post16 options 2023-2024.

Handbook: KS4 Options 

Options letter 2024.pdf

 Sims Options Guide