Food Preparation and Nutrition
Teaching food preparation and nutrition empowers students with the knowledge, comprehension, and abilities needed to prepare diverse meals, all while making informed decisions about their dietary habits, nutrition, and well-being.
Head of Technology Department - Mrs H Birchall
Second in Technology - Mr T McCarthy
Teacher of Food Preparation and Nutrition - Miss I Gill
Teacher of Food Preparation and Nutrition - Mrs A Surti
Food technician - Ms P Patel
Curriculum Intent Food Preperation and Nutrition
Key Stage 3
Key Stage 4
Comprehension of food and nutrition holds significance across various industries and job positions. Healthcare providers and hospital nutritionists apply this expertise, as do sports coaches and fitness trainers. Additionally, hotels, restaurants, food manufacturers, and government agencies utilize this understanding to craft menus, food items, and policies that promote healthy eating initiatives. Numerous career prospects within the realm of food and nutrition.
Read like a Foodie
Useful Resources and Revision Support