Online safety
All learners are taught about e-safety through IT lessons and during PSHCE.
Learners at BMGS are regularly taught about safety online. We monitor all student devices closely and take appropriate action to ensure that learners are aware of how to keep themselves safe online.
We have a team of Digital leaders who are available at break time to support learners. They are fully trained through the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme. The training empowers our Digital Leaders to educate their peers, parents, and teachers about staying safe online. Throughout the programme, Digital Leaders are given the tools they need to champion digital citizenship in the school, helping them and their peers to make the most of their time online. They put their learning into action by working together to take the lead in delivering impactful online safety activities within school.
At BMGS, student welfare is our priority. Our Online-Safety concerns box also allows learners to anonymously post their E-Safety concerns/ worries so they can then be supported by Mrs A Mogra.
If you would like to know more about E safety or require additional support with your child's online activities please contact Mrs A Mogra, our Online Safety lead.
Meet the Digital Leader Team:
All of our digital leaders have completed training through Childnet Digital Leaders Programme and we are an accredited school.
Keeping children safe online
Online Safety Parent Guide:
As a parent or carer you play a key role in helping your child to stay safe online. You don’t need to be an expert on the internet to help keep your child stay safe online. Our advice and resources are here to support you as you support your child to use the internet safely, responsibility and positively.
You can find a number of guides here to help you.
Setting up Parental Controls:
Parental controls allow you to block and filter upsetting or inappropriate content. They work across your WiFi, phone network, individual apps and devices.
Please click here for further information on setting up parental controls.
- Keep safe online
- Online safety bullying
- Online safety fraud
- Online safety grooming
- Online safety guide
- Online safety health risks
- Online safety reporting concerns
- Online safety sexting
- Online safety smartphones
- Your digital footprint